How to recognize purebred doberman pinscher dog

Doberman dog

Doberman dog (original name: Doberman Pinscher, also known as Dobie dog) is a breed of dog
originating from Germany, they were bred in the late 19th century by Karl Friedrich Louis Dobermann.
When they were first introduced in 1876, they made a huge impression on dog lovers because of their
intelligence. The Doberman is said to be the smartest, fastest and strongest dog breed, the most
courageous and aggressive, they have a large but not heavy body and have the stumbling appearance of
a noble dog.

Currently, we still do not know what breed the Doberman originated from, scientists only predict that they are
bred between famous dog breeds in Germany such as Berger, Rottweiler, Terrier.


Doberman dog is a tall dog when their height is about 65 – 75cm and weighs about 32 – 45kg (adult dog), with
a large body, muscular chest, long straight back and small belly. Long legs and very muscular thighs, it is
because of this that they are a top speed dog.
Doberman has a slightly small head compared to its large body, square mouth, long muzzle, sharp and strong
teeth, so they are in the top of the dog breeds with the strongest bite force in the world.

Doberman’s beauty lies in his erect ears, but not all dogs have naturally erect ears, but most of them have
been splinted and cut their ears since childhood.
The Doberman has a very long tail, usually longer than other breeds, but most owners of this breed usually cut
the tail from an early age. So today, Doberman’s standard of beauty is the end because after all, the bobtail
still looks fierce and “cool” than the long tail. loyal to their owners, they rarely automatically attack people like Rottweiler or Pitbull. For one thing, because of
his aggressive nature, many countries forbid breeding and breeding Doberman.
Doberman dogs are considered the number one intelligent and obedient dog breed today when they can learn and absorb very quickly in professional dog trainning courses. Usually they will be the leading dogs (Alpha). ) in the group by virtue of his nature.

Because Doberman is only loyal and obedient to only one owner, you should raise them from a young age and
should muzzle when going out to avoid unfortunate incidents.


With a large body, Doberman needs a higher daily nutrient source than dogs of the same size, because they are muscular dogs, so
they need a large amount of protein and need to be more active during the day. Usually, to raise a new Doberman Pinscher dog to
adulthood is very expensive because their food is quite large. On average, an adult Doberman needs to eat up to 1.5kg of food per
day (about 4% of their body weight). In this 1.5kg of daily food we will divide as follows:
✔ About 45% of food intake is lean or organ meats (about 6-7 ounces of meat per day)
✔ If you have 8 ounces of food left, you can feed them rice, cake, vegetables
“This diet should be followed by body weight, smaller and less active animals need to reduce the amount of food.”


This is a breed selected from dogs with good genetic resources, so they are almost healthy and do not have genetic diseases like
Dalmatians ( 10% of Dalmatians are born deaf. The coat is short and close to the
skin, the coat color is black or brown so they look very clean, most Dobermans don’t like to play dirty like Corgis, so it only takes a
bath every few months.
Because their daily food intake is quite large, in order not to become obese, you need to give them regular exercise such as
teaching the dog to walk, play catch or catch a ball. They are a breed suitable for small
apartments because they just want to be with people, as long as you give them daily exercise and don’t stay at home alone for too


Although the Doberman is a loyal dog, it is still a fierce and aggressive dog by nature, so it is necessary to train the Doberman from the age of 5 months to get them used to the commands

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