The most beautiful cats in the world
Many people like to keep dogs because of their emotional loyalty. There are also more people who love cats because they are small, beautiful, cute. Let’s take a look at the most beautiful cats in the world to see which cats make you fall in love.
Angora cat

Originating from Turkey, the Angora cat is very special because they have many common characteristics with dogs such as this is an extremely intelligent animal, has a great memory, is often used for tasks. similar to dogs.
However, the Angora cat breed has an extremely beautiful appearance with long, soft and beautiful fur. In addition, this Angora cat also has an extremely special hobby of soaking in water.
LaPerm cat

One of the most recognizable features of the LaPerm cat is that it is a curled-haired breed. They have very special fur: curly hair and many unique pattern colors
Usually, some LaPerm kittens are born completely hairless at birth. At 2 weeks of age, their fur begins to grow back, most kittens are now straight or slightly wavy. But when they are 4 months old, their hair will fall out and after growing back, they are especially curly. This is also a cat that is loved by many people because of its gentle, alert and cute personality.
Somali cat

The appearance of a Somali cat is more like a fox’s: large ears, full ruffled neck and fluffy tail, round blue eyes.
But that appearance does not make Somali cats scary, they are beautiful, gentle and quite agile, a pet that many people love cats.
Maine Coon cat

Also known as the North American Longhair, the Maine Coon is the oldest natural breed of cat in North America.
They possess a larger size than other cat breeds in the world. An adult Maine Coon cat can weigh up to 11kg and a body length of up to 1.3m. The body of these cats is even bigger because they have quite long, fluffy and different colored fur. Despite having extremely sharp hunting instincts, this is an extremely gentle and intelligent cat.
Toyger cat

Bred from a domesticated Bengal and tabby cat, the Toyger cat is identifiable with its white eye circle, dark yellow coat with prominent black stripes, and an imposing gait.
With the identifying features of a tiger-like appearance, it is named Toyger.
Siamese cat

As one of the most beautiful cats in Asia, originating in the land of the Golden Temple. Thai people call them Siamese cats – Wichian Mat, which means Moon diamond.
Siamese cats have large blue eyes that stand out against a black face. It was the most popular short-haired cat in Europe and North America during the 20th century.
British Longhair Cat

Referring to the most beautiful cats in the world, it is impossible to ignore the British long-haired cat. They have a stocky body, round head, bright eyes, short ears and long, iridescent coat of various colors. Their tail feathers are very long and thick, looking very impressive.
Arabic cat

The Persian cat has a very short nose bridge, so it is also called a flat-faced cat. Their coat is quite thick with two layers, a long outer layer and a short inner layer, so they look like cute moving cotton balls. Persian cats are very intelligent, peaceful, gentle and charming.
Turkish Van cat

This is an ancient and rare species of cat native to Turkey. The Turkish Van cat has a white coat, long and thick coat, and the head and tail are mottled.
Scottish Fold Cat

This cat breed has an extremely lovely appearance with round eyes, a short slightly slanted nose and especially folded ears. At birth, Scottish Fold cats also have straight ears, but folds form causing the ears to drop gradually when they are about 3 or 4 weeks old.
awwwww, cutie <3