4 ways to teach dogs to go to the toilet in the right place are too simple

4 ways to teach dogs to go to the toilet in the right place are too simple

Training on how to potty train your dog in the right place should begin as soon as possible. A puppy will easily accept exercises and form better habits. For large dogs, habit formation is ingrained in their “subconscious”, so it is difficult to teach. There are many ways to train, you can refer to some of the PetsNote methods shared below.

Reasons why dogs go to the toilet indiscriminately

Dog pooping and urinating is a phenomenon of involuntary excretion, independent of the dog’s psychological state. Different from spitting, peeing due to the joy of seeing the owner or attracting a mate… The dog going to the toilet is panicking. Due to dogs being beaten, abused and other psychological stress.

This type of disease is not caused by the dog’s consciousness at all. There is no directing by neuronal impulses. The centers reflect the cerebral cortex to the contractions of the bladder and anal sphincters. So the excretion is completely “natural, unconscious”, we need to have a way to teach the dog to go to the toilet in the right place.

There are many reasons why dogs lose control when cleaning. Some dog breeds with the highest risk of hydrocephalus are: Maltese, Yorkshire Terrier, Chihuahua, Lhasa Apso, Pomeranian, Toy Poodle, Cairn Terrier, Boston Terrier, Pug, Pekingese and Bulldog. In addition, the dog may have some diseases that cause diarrhea and bowel incontinence. Or because of too many worms. Or diseases such as Parvovirus, infectious hepatitis .. also cause urination, defecation loss of control. Among the most common are the following reasons:

  • Spinal cord injury due to trauma.
  • Cognitive dysfunction syndrome.
  • Inflammation, injury, and hydrocephalus due to bacterial or viral infection.
  • Tumors, cancers of the brain and spinal cord.
  • Meningeal effusion.
  • Dog is too old, confused.

Signs that the dog is about to go to the toilet

  • Just woke up.
  • When eating, drink enough (maybe just before eating).
  • When leaving the barn or leaving the house.

If the puppy is in need, they will run around, sniff, squat, purr… You must take them out as soon as you see these signs. If you catch a puppy squatting about to go to the bathroom “in the wrong place”, startle them. It could be shouting loudly, clapping your hands loudly, banging on the wall or on the board. Then bring them out, to the right place where you have chosen and encourage them to address their needs there. If it’s too late, they’ve peeed in the house, still take them outside. That’s the minimum way to teach a dog to go to the toilet in the right place.

You must take your dog outside as soon as they show these signs. If you don’t notice them for a long time, they are forced to go right where they sleep. You will have to spend time cleaning up and even get frustrated.

Learn more about the characteristics and personality of dogs

Surely you already know what kind of dog you are raising, what is their personality? Can be a stubborn dog breed. A dog that is always cheerful or can be very obedient. There are many types of dogs you just need to tell them they understand.

Related to the problem of how to teach dogs to go to the toilet in the right place. There is a feature in dogs that they never urinate in the place where they usually lie down or their crate. No matter how much the dog wants to go to the bathroom, they won’t do it. Unless they fall into a “force majeure” situation. This is a trait, the personality of the dog is the key point that can be an effective way to teach the dog to go to the toilet in the right place.

You need to determine the place where you want your dog to go to the toilet in the right place when the need arises.

Train your dog to have the habit of eating on time

How to teach your dog to go to the toilet in the right place is only effective when you train your dog to eat and drink at the right time. You can set up a separate schedule for your dog to eat and drink 3 main meals a day. Make sure to match your timelines and their growth. Exercise and going to the bathroom should be at a certain time each day.

When feeding your dog at each meal, wait patiently to see how the dog eats. After about 15 minutes, even if you have any food or drink left over, you will also put away all the food and drink. Your best bet is to throw them away. You can adjust the amount of food and drink accordingly. Convenient for determining when the dog wants to go to the bathroom.

By planning them to eat according to such a schedule, it is also easy to determine when the dog wants to go to the toilet.

Control the time the dog goes to the toilet at what time?

There are many cases where many people cannot determine when their dog went to the toilet and where it went. It’s really bad! If you can’t do this, consider the steps above as a way to teach your dog to go to the toilet in the right place. To do this, there is a very simple way. So you put the dog in the cage. With the personality of dogs, dogs never go to their cage to defecate. Therefore, you should buy a cage. Just enough to confine the dog, he must not be too big.

Combine with the schedule you feed your dog. You can guess at what time you should keep your dog in the crate. Then you have complete control over them. When they want to go to the toilet, your dog will definitely bark loudly. At this point, take the dog out of the determined location, wait and watch them go to the toilet here.

The process can be repeated for a while. Your dog will know how to go to the toilet in the right place. With the way to teach dogs to go to the toilet in the right place as above, it is believed that for all types of dogs will go to the toilet in the right place. You will not have to worry about their “convenience where you are” nature anymore.

How to teach a dog to go to the toilet in the right place to start?

The easiest way for you to do potty training in the right place is right where they sleep. It could be a cardboard box, a cage, a basket high enough to keep the puppies from escaping. Instinctively, puppies try not to defecate right where they lie. Therefore, they will express a desire to go out for treatment.

When that need arises, most puppies will leave their bed. Look around the house to find a suitable place to “settle”. So you have to teach them where it’s okay and where it’s forbidden. With this lesson, you can apply it to many dog breeds such as Phoc, Poodle, Alaskan …

Do not curse or hit them for making a yard in the house. Such punishment will not be effective in teaching. A dog can’t see any connection between being punished and pooping in the house. But they associate this with the person who yelled at them. They will think that it is not okay to go around like that in your presence. And then when you’re gone, they’ll make mistakes again.

Timely reward when the dog does the right thing

After your puppy does a good job, you should reward him immediately. If after 10 minutes outside, they still don’t go, bring them back inside. Then put them in their place. Wait another 30 minutes and then take them out again.

If the dog eventually goes outside, you should implement a “reward strategy” right away. Because if you wait inside the house and then reward it, it won’t work anymore. Puppies quickly forget. If they entered the house and then received the reward, they would not understand why it was like that.

Must be persistent, have patience. Repeated so many times, can fulfill your wish. Maybe stroke its chin or reward it with some snacks. Snacks, dog treats, dog bones that many dogs love to eat.

Make it a habit to go to bed at night

Before it’s time for both you and them to go to bed, you should take them outside to go to the bathroom again. Their sleeping place should be quiet and easy to get in and out of. Don’t stay in a hard-to-find corner. If they start whining at night, it might be time to go outside again.

Taking the dog outside should not be noisy or playful at all. Discourage them from going to the bathroom at that time. If after the job is done, they still whine, you should ignore it. This time they did it just to get attention. Teach them that night is the time to go to sleep, not always.

How to teach a dog to go to the toilet in the right place on a piece of paper

This way of toilet training your dog in the right place will help the puppy get used to going to the toilet on a piece of paper, pad or newspaper. Spread them out where you want the dog to “go” there. You should choose places that are easy to clean like the kitchen or bathroom. Do not choose a place near where the puppy plays, eats or sleeps. The reason is because dogs tend to keep their living areas clean.

After you have spread a few sheets of paper on the selected location, observe the behavior of the dog. If they show signs of wanting to go to the toilet, bring them closer to that area. Signs that a dog wants to go to the toilet are: snorting around, running around, trying to find the right place to “act”.

When the puppies have gone up the paper do not forget to reward them. Wait for the smell of “waste” to permeate the lower sheets of paper, remove the dirty paper and replace the clean one. Note that clean paper is placed under the paper that has absorbed the smell. Next time, the dog will easily “sniff” and will “walk” back to the same place. This way to teach the dog to go to the toilet in the right place needs to be repeated every day because puppies quickly forget.

If the puppy forgets the lesson, patiently take the urine-scented paper and place it on the other sheets. When they urinate in the wrong place, use a deodorant spray to clear the traces. Puppies won’t be able to sniff out where they went to the toilet wrong.

How to train a dog not to poop in the cage

With this toilet training method, you will teach your dog to keep the sleeping area clean. To help your puppy get used to the crate, you should put in a few toys that they love.

If the dog has to stay in the crate for too long, they may not be able to resist the need to go to the bathroom. Get the puppy out of the crate as soon as possible. Then teach the dog to come out and train it to return to the crate on its own. Then continue the exercise to train the dog to go to the toilet in the right place to form a habit for them.

It is possible to build a fixed timetable for them. Once they have established a habit, they will be self-aware and adjust their behavior. And there will be no more unfortunate incidents. Similarly, you can teach your dog to distinguish between sleeping places, crates, eating places, etc. They won’t go out of their way to those areas on their own.

If the training is successful, you may not need to close the cage door and still have peace of mind. When it needs to sleep, your dog will know to go to the crate. On the contrary, when it needs to go to the toilet, your dog will go out and go to the right place.

How to teach a dog to go to the toilet in the right place outdoors

If you want to train your dog to potty train outside, your door should be open or have a yard. You definitely have to take him outside, such training can teach him the familiar route to the toilet. Not long after it wanted to go to the bathroom, it ran out on its own.

By walking the dog out through a single path. Take them to a single place outside to go to the bathroom. The dog will easily get used to this sequence. They’ll know, smell their poop, and know that’s where they’re supposed to do it.

You have to stand right there to watch and reward the dog. However, be careful not to “disturb” them. There must be a certain distance for the dog to feel “comfortable” and do it quickly. Praise and action will help puppies understand what they do is right. Next time will do it like that, gradually becoming a habit.

Puppies often go to the toilet several times a day. So schedule a time to take the puppy outside. A distance of about 3-4 hours is the most reasonable. Pay special attention after each meal and after waking up. When a puppy eats full, his stomach will squeeze his bladder and he can’t hold it for long. In the evening, you should also take them out to the toilet. That way, they won’t have to hold back all night.

Puppies often want to go outside about 30 minutes after playing, eating or after waking up. You must remember to take the puppy outside at least 3-4 times a day. Over time, their bladder will function better. Always remember that you have to be there for the first few months to keep an eye on them. How to teach a dog to go to the toilet in the right place outdoors is not difficult, as long as you are patient.

How to teach a dog to use the toilet in the toilet

Puppies often urinate a lot when they are young, so when we are home, let the dog go out to play. Every 15 minutes should be returned to the barn or corral area. If it is thirsty, it will drink water and urinate. This is your chance to compliment them with commands like: Good, good, good.

For example, dogs like to walk on grass, stumps. They will go right after eating 1-5 minutes depending on the individual. There are 15-30 minutes. Or there are individuals who can wait until a certain time frame before going to the toilet. So I divided it into 3-4 sessions to learn how to teach dogs to go to the toilet in the right place: Morning, noon, afternoon, and night.

Morning and noon

Many people are busy, so they just need to wake up and feed the dogs and then take them to the toilet. Or take advantage of the afternoon to go home, just give food and toilet. The most important is the lesson “Waiting” when being eaten, and the Command “peeing” when putting in the toilet. Remember not to look at them, but just observe and praise immediately when the dog pees in the right place. Usually, I advise owners to go to the toilet with the dog for 1-2 minutes and it’s ok!


When you come home from work, you should not release the dog immediately, but finish some of your work and then take the opportunity to take the dog to the toilet outside. It doesn’t take long, just 5-10 minutes. Take them to a lawn or tree stump and give the command “Pie” to praise them for understanding the command. Remember to bring rolls of plastic bags specifically used to pick up shit.


It is imperative to learn “Basic Commands” for puppies. Learning this command has many effects as follows: When learning the dog is eaten, praised, creating a reflex to obey the owner’s command without reluctance. The “Wait” command helps the dog communicate with the owner through eyes, gestures, and voice commands (Eye contact).

When learning every day into a habit, the dog will listen to us from a young age and not suffer from anorexia! After a period of practice, you will see that the dog understands the command, listens to the command, focuses on the owner, calmly waits for the command. And of course the result will know the difference between right and wrong. The result of the stable nervous system, from which the dog will distinguish where the toilet problem is right and where is wrong, from there they will find a place where they won’t be scolded or punished!

Note: Each toilet training session should only last 5-10 minutes. Otherwise, they will be bored and not focus on studying anymore. We should not spoil the dog with delicious food from a young age. This is very dangerous because there will be a certain bargain. And accidentally the dog got sick. But if you eat, you won’t have any education, friends, at that time we are officially Sen and he is the real Boss.

Use spray to guide the dog to the right place to go to the toilet

Before your dog goes to the bathroom, spray the right place to go to the toilet where you want him to go and let him sniff it. Repeatedly many times, the dog will respond conditioned, later will go to the toilet in the place with this scent (3-5 days can form a habit of how to teach the dog to go to the toilet in the prescribed place).

When the dog needs to go to the toilet on the diaper, the tub or the dog litter tray, spray the scent carrier. Let the dog slowly sniff, remember to reward him with food. When necessary spray a little more, continue the training process. Often lead him to the spray, especially when he’s finished eating, drinking, playing, and waking up (best training time). The principle of how to teach a dog to go to the toilet in this place is to let the dog’s sense of smell produce a conditioned response. Therefore, it is recommended to use this product for a long time, because the dog will get used to the smell. Often changing to another scent carrier will no longer be effective.

Use pads to train your dog to go to the toilet

With PE leak-proof film on the underside, the backing prevents waste from seeping back. Make sure the surface is always dry, giving your pet a comfortable spirit. The pad has the ability to deodorize, keep the environment clean and easy to clean. 4 advantages of sanitary pads products:

Good quality textured surface, more professional technology, beneficial in absorbing waste, improving the absorption rate.
The surface feels smooth, poor quality pads will reduce water absorption and absorption rate.
The absorption rate of the pad depends on the content of the absorbent component, not the thickness, this product specially adds 10% SAP water absorbent, accelerating the absorption rate.
How to use sanitary pads
The litter box for dogs is often used, the lower part includes a tray and a plastic mesh screen, which is very convenient for the use of pads. Effective for how to teach the dog to go to the toilet in the right place.

The pad can be directly placed on the floor to train the dog to go to the toilet in the right place.
Can be lined under the toilet net for pet use.
When going out, there can be pads on the bottom, pets vomiting or defecating can be cleaned easily.
Placed at the door of the room, when going in and out, it can absorb the water in the dog’s feet in time.

Train your dog to use a pad
Place the pad in the toilet tray.
When the dog reacts to wanting to go to the toilet, immediately let them go to the place where the mat is available.
When they go to the toilet outside the pad, they must scold and clean up the area that has a bad smell.
When they go to the right place with pads, it should be rewarded to encourage encouragement.
In the early days of training how to teach your dog to go to the toilet in the right place, you should keep your dog in a cage or chained. Only release them at times when the dog normally goes to the bathroom. When instructing the dog to go to the toilet in the right place, take the dog to the designated place. Then wait for them for about 10-15 minutes. If they don’t go to the bathroom, take them back to their bed and put them on a leash.

Use a dog fence

When teaching a dog to go to the toilet from the first day he comes home, the first thing we should do is to keep him in a limited space. About 10m2 is medium, preferably near the toilet area. Or half inside and half outside the toilet area and the house area.

The first is to let the dog get used to the toilet in the area near the toilet. And the second is to let it still see out of the living room, still see people. Then the dog will not feel trapped! The cage should be used with a mesh hole so that the dog can observe. Avoiding the fact that it does not see the owner will bark loudly, it will be immediately reported by the neighbors.

Dog goes to the toilet, how to train?

Should the dog be punished or beaten? The most controversial issue in how to teach dogs to go to the toilet in the right place is PENALTY and HIT. I will explain to you more about Punishment. The word punishment itself does not mean hit. We should not hit the dog, because that will scare the dog and even cause urinary incontinence. Or counterproductive when teaching the toilet, afraid of people, afraid of noises… Punishment here means “Slamming”, or “Pugging lightly on the back of the neck”. Or poke the dog’s armpit quickly to warn.

For example, when the dog is busy playing and going to the toilet, we lightly grab the dog’s neck and pull it to the place where it goes to piss, scold “Naughty pee” and then lightly slap its butt. That’s just the wrong thing for puppies. Then drag it to the toilet area with tray and toilet mat and make it sit in it for 1-2 minutes. Never close the door to the dog. Because it will understand that it is locked up, not in there to pee properly.

When you combine these methods of potty training, adjust the puppy’s toilet habits. Learning the commands “Pie” or “Pie pee”, “Wait” and the form of “Punishment”, it complements each other. From there, the puppy will form good habits and actions. Depending on each case, success is fast or slow depending on the effort you put into teaching and taking care of them.

Note: remember, do not punish while the dog goes to the toilet, this will make the dog think that going to the toilet is a wrong thing. In addition, it is necessary to use water that deodorizes the dog’s urine. Prevent the dog from going to the toilet there again.

read more: Training puppies right at the training center right at home

Please maintain general hygiene, protect the environment

It’s not really pretty if you take your dog for a walk and the poop is still left on the street. It’s your responsibility to clean up the “waste” from your dog. This contributes to protecting the environment and protecting human health.

You should clean up the dog’s feces by using a plastic bag and tying it up. Then just put it in the trash. Should not be buried in the ground because the feces may contain roundworms and tapeworms. These parasites are very easily transmitted to humans and other animals. If the dog has “walked” in the house, you should clean the dirty area with a scented disinfectant.