How to train a standard poodle dog

How to train a standard poodle dog

1. How to train a Poodle to lie down

Here is a simple but effective way to train a Poodle to lie down.

  • Step 1: Pull the leash down forward, and at the same time press on the dog’s shoulder to make the dog lie down, or pull the front legs to make the dog lie down.
  • Step 2: Use bait: hold the bait with the right hand, stimulate the dog, extend the hand with the bait and lower it, repeat the command ‘lay down’, the gluttonous dog will immediately lie down.
how to teach poodle to lie down
  • Step 3: When the dog is lying down, the dog owner shouts the slogan ‘lay down’ in a low voice. The dog was lying in one of the two ways above. Shout ‘lay still’ and walk away about 5m, the dog is still lying still, the dog has formed a reflex, of course the command ‘lay still’ has taken effect.

2. How to train a Poodle to stand

The dog owner stands to the right of the dog, when the dog is in a sitting or lying position and gives the command ‘stand’, after 2-3 seconds, the right hand pulls the rope forward. At the same time, put your left hand under the belly to lift the dog up. When the dog stands up, the owner encourages it by stroking, repeating the command ‘stand’, ‘good’ and reward the dog.

When the dog is about to sit down, the dog owner puts his left hand under the dog’s belly and holds it in a standing position and repeats the command ‘stand’, combined with ‘stand still’.

3. How to train a Poodle to crawl

  • Step 1: Make the dog lie down, combine the bait with the left hand to press the dog’s butt gently. The right hand should suck the fragrant bait into the dog’s nose.
  • Step 2: move with your right hand forward, your left hand is still lightly on the dog’s butt, shouting the command to crawl. First, practice for the dog to crawl about 1m, then gradually get used to feeding the cow 3-4m before feeding and rewarding.

Crawling is a difficult and tiring movement, so with this training you need to be patient and practice many times before the Poodle does it right.

4. How to train a Poodle to greet

According to many people, the greeting gesture of the dog looks very elegant, very beautiful and polite. You can teach your Poodle in the following ways:

  1. Shout the command ‘sit’, sit in the correct posture, straighten the dog’s tail. Create a solid tripod.
  2. Shout the command ‘hello’ while pulling the leash onto the left hand to support the dog’s paw. Practice sitting like this until the dog is tired, it will sit down on its own.
  3. Practice for about 10-15 seconds and then rest. Practicing for many days will definitely succeed.
See more ways to train Poodle

5. How to teach a Poodle to return to its owner

Step 1: Use dog toys such as hedgehogs and bones to train.

Step 2: The owner of the dog who stole their dog let the dog run after it to claim it back.

Step 3: After getting used to such a joke, we try to throw the object about 2m away. The dog owner runs after the dog to steal the dog’s things, of course the dog will reflexively fight to pick up the things with the owner to let the dog pick up its things. At the same time, the dog owner will grab the item and shout ‘release’ and at the same time squeeze the dog’s lower jaw with his left hand, the painful dog will release the item.

teach the poodle to return to the owner
Train your Poodle to return home with small toys

6. How to train a Poodle to bark on command

  1. Hold the fragrant bait and put it in the dog’s nose
  2. The dog owner shouted ‘bark’, snapped his fingers, the dog still barked, the dog owner praised the dog well and gave it a cuddly ear scratcher.
  3. Practice this until your dog gets used to the ‘bark’ and hand commands.
how to teach poodle to bark

When the dog is stimulated to bark but the dog does not bark, the dog owner leaves. You can go to play with another dog to feed another dog, the dog will bark loudly out of jealousy. When the dog owner turns around and snaps his fingers and shouts ‘bark’, the dog will bark along.

7. How to teach a Poodle to follow its owner

  • Step 1 : The dog owner stands next to the left leg, shouting the command ‘sit’.
  • Step 2: When the dog is sitting, the dog owner gently shakes the rope and shouts ‘go’ the dog will go with you.
  • Step 3: When the dog is in front of the dog owner, pull the rope lightly and shout ‘slow’ to let the dog pass by the dog owner’s knee. When it crosses its feet, shout ‘good’. If the dog lags behind, also pull the leash and shout ‘quick’ the dog catches up to the owner.
  • Step 4: Training to walk next to the dog owner combined with training to walk, lie down, sit, crawl is very effective.

8. How to teach poodle to bow

  • Step 1:  You prepare some food that the dog loves, call the dog back and let them sit down.
  • Step 2:  When the dog has stood up, immediately shout the command “bow”.
  • Step 3:  You repeat step e but in this step, you will take the dog’s front legs together. Or you can ask someone to sit behind your dog, hold their front paws, and do the prostration. At this time, just do it and say “bow”, when the dog can do it, you will reward them with a little food. Repeat about 5 times.
  • Step 4:  You will repeat step 3, and now the dog can do it on his own without your help. If your dog still can’t do it, repeat step 3 a few more times.
how to teach poodle to bow
teach poodle to bow

These exercises are often applied in  dog training courses ,  professional dog  training at Thanh Tai dog training school.

9. How to train a Poodle to walk on two legs

Step 1:  Prepare the food, call the dog back and command to sit still. Train when the dog is hungry, when they are very greedy, teaching Poodle dogs will become easier.

Step 2:  Keep the dog calm, sitting upright in the correct posture. Everything needs to be gentle because dogs don’t know what to do.

Step 3:  Use food in front of the nose for the dog to smell but do not feed. Bring them from their nose straight up over their head until they tilt their necks up to smell.

Step 4:  Shout the command “Stand” and gradually bring the food up. When the dog lifts its paw, enjoy the food. Repeat several times and gradually raise the food until the dog can sit on 2 legs and the back is straight with the head.

Step 5:  Once the dog has mastered step 4, bring the food higher and move forward a short distance. Dogs sit on 2 legs but can’t get food, so they will jump forward to get food. At this time, you should hold the food outside for the dog to see and move the food slowly forward.

Step 6:  Move the food and combine voice commands. When the dog starts to take a step, enjoy the food. Repeat several times until the dog can walk.

A Poodle training session at Thanh Tai dog school

10. How to teach poodles to clean in the right place

Take your dog to the place where you want him to go to the bathroom early in the morning. Patiently wait until he goes to the bathroom to let him play freely.

Take your dog to the toilet after eating. When dogs want to go to the bathroom depends on their habits. You can tell how long after eating a dog will go to the bathroom by watching when they go to the bathroom or observing the dog’s reaction, if they snort, sniff and sniff around the house it means I want to go to the toilet.

If you don’t have time to monitor your dog after eating, you can wait about 30 to 45 minutes after eating, then take the dog to the toilet, wait until the dog has finished defecating, then take the dog into the house.

Learn more about how to train a Poodle to go to the toilet in the right place at wikihow:

Notes on how to train a poodle

When teaching a Poodle, you must consider a Poodle as a companion, loving, calling, petting, patting, walking the dog, playing.

When training Poodle dogs with basic commands, voice commands must be short, clear, and definitive to force the dog to follow the command.

How to train a Poodle
Should alternate training and rest

Teach your Poodle not to be short-tempered, scold, hit, curse, scare the dog, not absorb the lesson.

It is recommended to teach the dog once a day (morning or afternoon). Every time you teach for about 25 minutes, you have to give the dog a break, too much teaching makes the dog tired, it will get bored and refuse to learn.

Praise and reward them when they do well, and if not, give them an appropriate punishment (the punishment should not be too harsh).

When teaching a Poodle, we have to force it to review all the old lessons, then move on to teaching new lessons. Learning to go back to school will help the dog remember the lesson more.